Activities We Offer

For Kids

Outings for mothers and their children - parks, story times, concerts, museums, and casual playdates at member's homes.

Tours of local businesses/community operations.

Holiday parties throughout the year including Halloween, Christmas, Valentine's Day, and Summer Picnic. These events usually include activities for a variety of age children, a craft, and refreshments.

Small Groups - Playgroups for moms and children organized by age.

Family Days - Occasional weekend activities to get the whole family together.

Service Projects - As part of being a mom within a community we try and perform acts of service to people in need. In previous years we have had a toy drive, canned food drive, and visits to local nursing homes.

For Moms

Moms Night Out (MNO) - One of our most popular activities - a chance for moms to get away with the girls for an evening of fun. Past nights have included dinner and a movie, game nights, manicures, and dessert nights.

Monthly Member Meetings with speakers, discussions, and other fun programs.

Activity Groups - We have moms with interests all over the place and clubs within a club, including Book Club.

Helping Hands - The moms in our club have come together to provide support to new moms or moms in crisis by providing meals. Our helping hands coordinator maintains an active volunteer list of moms who are willing to provide meals at any given notice. We offer this to every expectant mom, as well as any mom who has a need.

© Copyright Moms Club of Highlands Ranch East